A WEEKEND OF WELLNESS – PLM’s visit to The Wellness Village in Cesena, Italy - Part 4

Saturday (PM) – Connected Training Experience & Factory Tour
After lunch we got chance to have a go on the gym equipment and also take part in group classes. Technogym had all ranges of their equipment on display and ready to use. It was like a massive playground and one very impressive showroom.
We tried the new BIOCIRCUIT, a personalised adaptive workout that helps you achieve your fitness goals in a short amount of time using BIODRIVE cutting edge technology. The technology was amazing and as I sat on each piece of equipment it automatically adjusted to my own custom settings so I didn’t need to do any manual, fiddly adjustments. The machines also spotted me when it detected that I was struggling.
Next, we tried a Group Cycle class, with loud music, immersive videos on a big screen and a motivating instructor it was a tough but enjoyable class. Group Cycle is similar to a spin class and represents a complete and realistic indoor cycling experience. After this class we watched a few other classes and checked out more of Technogym’s latest range. We also spotted Nerio again, he was getting involved with the group training.
The founder of a massive, global company practising what he preaches about wellness was a very inspiring thing to witness. After the training it was time for showers and then a tour of the factory. The tour allowed us to gain further insight into the company with its eco offices and factory (probably the tidiest and largest factory I have ever seen) with over 300 pieces of equipment being made every day on 12 very organised production lines.
We also got to see the biomechanics lab where each piece of equipment is meticulously tested in order to achieve the perfect balance between optimum performance and design. Technogym’s partnership with the Olympics and F1 was also apparent from the tour with framed photos proudly displayed on walls and the Olympic torches lined up on display. Once the tour was finished the coach took us back to our hotel so we could get ready for the Let’s Move awards dinner.
Saturday (PM) – Awards Dinner

The very glitzy awards dinner was held at a local nightclub and the dress code was cocktail attire. We got dressed up to the nines, had a pre-drink in the hotel bar with the other guests from UK and walked to the venue. Upon arrival we were presented with a medal and the Technogym media team were snapping away all night.

It was time to let our hair down and reflect on all the hard work and long hours that we have put into running PLM. The dinner consisted of a hot buffet, the drinks were flowing all night with a free bar and we were feeling very relaxed. We were busy chatting away to other guests from the UK when we were told that we would be on stage later tonight. This was news to us! On stage for what exactly? Are we winning an award? We had no idea.

So, we quickly got another drink just as the award ceremony started. In order of country, the winners were called up to the stage to collect their award and have a photo taken. They finally got to the UK and we heard our name, PLM Health & Fitness. OMG! We got up on stage and collected our award, had a photo and sat back down feeling over the moon and a bit in shock.

We had been presented with a special award for our contribution towards the wellness community during the Let’s Move for a Better World campaign. After we collected the award the party properly began. It was a great, final night in Italy and a fantastic way to end the 2019 Forum.

We made some good friends and great networking connections. How amazing that a facility of our size, small in comparison to others that attended, was invited to such a key and prestigious event at The Wellness Village. We returned home feeling like our relationship with Technogym was stronger and with renewed motivation and innovative ideas that we cannot wait to put in place. There are lots of exciting things to look forward over the next 12 months.

Watch this space! Ciao!