Natural Weight Loss

Natural Weight Loss

Natural Weight Loss

Many people believe that the natural route to weight loss includes starvation and excessive exercise. But nothing could be further from the truth!

Natural weight loss simply requires the right mindset and a little planning. With the right tools, natural weight loss can be easy and effective!

Keep reading to find out how…

Natural Weight Loss is Within Reach

First thing’s first. If you think you can effectively lose weight with diet or exercise alone, think again. Any natural and effective route to weight loss needs to include a bit of both. But you don’t need to kill yourself trying.

In terms of exercise, you should adopt a plan of 4-5 days a week. 45 minutes to 1 hour should be sufficient, but it all depends on your personal goals. I recommend doing 20 minutes of cardio in the morning to jumpstart your metabolism, and another 20-40 minutes of weight training later in the day. This is ideal, but if you need to combine things into a single workout, that totally works too.

The importance of weight training can’t be overstated. Weight training increases lean muscle mass, which effectively enhances your resting metabolic rate. This means that even when you’re sitting on the couch you’ll be burning more calories and fat!

To ensure maximum muscle gains, make sure you start your day and follow up your workout with a protein shake using a high quality protein mix like Optimum 100% Natural Whey or Vega Sport Performance Protein. The protein will also boost your metabolism!

Secret Tip: yes exercise is a must and should be a pat of your daily routine but so should relaxation and efforts to reduce your stress levels.  Yoga is a highly effective means to drastically reducing your stress and allows you to disconnect and regroup.  Often times this can lead to epiphanies on little things that shouldn’t be causing you so much grief.  With less stress you will also have less cortisol hormone levels which means that you can lose weight naturally and effectively.

Thirdly and perhaps most importantly – diet.

Healthy eating is not about starving yourself, but eating more slowly and cutting back on portion sizes may be necessary steps for you. But if you think right about your food choices, you may not have to cut back much. Here are some great food options that actually help your body burn more fat!

And don’t forget to drink your water! It really will make a huge impact on your efforts.

Natural Weight Loss Aids

Once you have a solid exercise routine and some healthy eating habits in place, you can consider some additional weight loss support. Believe it or not, there are some great all-natural supplements on the market!

I already mentioned matcha green tea, but any green tea extract will work. This Irwin Naturals Green Tea Fat Metabolizer is another great option for suppressing appetite and igniting your fat-burning potential.

Recent research has shown that Vitamin D, like this NOW Vitamin D, will significantly improve your weight loss efforts by up to 50%! A good Vitamin B Complex, like this NOW B-100, has similarly been shown to enhance fat loss when combined with diet and exercise.

If controlling cravings is your biggest issue, I also recommend trying Hydroxycut South African Hoodia. It’s an all-natural weight loss supplement that’s been showing some amazing results!

With the right mindset – and with the right tools in hand – natural weight loss is absolutely possible. Remember, regular exercise and healthy eating should top your list, but additional help of the natural persuasion is out there!

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